Here for a good time, and a long time. At Nasty Gal HQ, we’re learning all about how we can increase the longevity of our stuff so that we can minimise its impact on the planet. Today’s aim: how to alter a dress to make it shorter. We’ve all been there (especially those petite!). You find the frock of yours dreams, but it’s a tad too long. Rather than return it or get rid, simply follow these quick and easy instructions, given to us via Emma, our Visual Merchandiser and expert on all things crafty.

What You'll Need:
- Your (preferably Nasty Gal) dress
- Scissors
- Thread (make sure it’s the same color as your dress!)
- Scissors
- Measuring tape
- Needle
- Pins

Step 1:
To begin, decide how much you want your hem shortening with a measuring tape and put in a pin to identify this. Measure another point two inches below your desired length.

Step 2:
Cut off the excess fabric below this point.

Step 3:
Fold half an inch of fabric toward the wrong side of the skirt. Hold in place with pins or sewing clips. Then, using your measuring tape, measure one and a half inches up from this fold. Fold the fabric up toward the wrong side again, so that you’re left with a one and a half inch deep fold with a folded-over edge within the inside.

Step 4:
Pin the folded edge all around the circumference of the hem with your sewing pins.

Step 5:
Thread up your needle. From the inside of the fabric, slide your needle into the top of your folded-over hem. Pull the needle all the way through so the knot catches at the back. Poke the tip of the needle through to see it from the front of the hem. Then edge the tip of the needle over three threads in the fabric’s surface. Push the needle tip back down, so it returns inside, leaving a stitch on the outside. Then make a half-inch stitch along the top of the fold inside the skirt. Poke the tip of the needle back to the surface and over three threads, creating another stitch on the outside of the hem. Repeat all around the hem, and once complete, knot the thread.